UHPRA - a subject of development and protection of medical professions in Ukraine

Access to Medical Information

Ukrainian law defines a Medical doctor as a specialist with a full higher medical education who, in accordance with the law, is constantly engaged in the preservation or restoration of human health, in particular through the prevention (prophylaxis), detection (diagnosis) and treatment of diseases and injuries.

The profession of Medical doctor is regulated by Ukrainian legislation, which is reflected in the provisions of the laws of Ukraine and the corresponding by-laws.


Medical education in Ukraine is an important component of the national system of education and health care, and obtaining it is a mandatory stage for obtaining the opportunity to practice the profession of Medical doctor. The education system in Ukraine includes different levels: partial higher education, higher education, full higher education, as well as postgraduate education. Ukraine reviewed the education system, harmonizing it with European Union standards, as a result of the implementation of the Bologna process

The structure of higher medical education in Ukraine is based on the education systems of leading countries in the world in accordance with the recommendations of the EU, UNESCO, the UN and other international organizations. Higher medical education in Ukraine, as an integral part of the Ukrainian education system, is subject to regulation in accordance with the law “On higher education”, the regulation “On specialization (internship)” and the regulation “On clinical residency”, as well as other normative legal acts.

Obtaining medical education at specific levels of higher education requires successful completion of the relevant educational program, which serves as the basis for awarding the appropriate degree of higher education and ensures quality education with the possible assignment of qualification levels, such as junior medical specialist, bachelor, master of medicine (pharmacy).

Junior Medical Specialist is the educational and qualification level of a specialist who, on the basis of a complete general secondary education, has acquired general cultural training, specialized skills and knowledge acquired during training. The specialist has experience in their application to solve typical professional tasks related to relevant positions in a certain branch of the national economy. The educational and professional program for training at the junior specialist level is usually implemented in higher educational institutions of the first level of accreditation. A higher educational institution of the highest level of accreditation can also train junior specialists, if it has a higher educational institution of the first level of accreditation or a corresponding structural division (2-3 years).

Bachelor’s degree
is the educational and qualification level of higher education of a person who has obtained basic higher education on the basis of complete general secondary education. Fundamental and special skills and knowledge regarding the generalized object of work (activity), sufficient for the performance of tasks and duties (jobs) of a certain level of professional activity. They are intended for primary positions in a certain type of economic activity. The state order for the training of bachelors is given, as a rule, to higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation.


Master of Medicine (Pharmacy) is a completed level of education and qualification that a specialist receives after successfully completing a full higher medical (pharmacy) education or on the basis of a bachelor’s qualification. At this level of study, the master acquires in-depth knowledge and skills that include general culture, socio-legal aspects and specialized knowledge in the field of health care (pharmacy). The achievement of a master’s degree includes the defense of a master’s thesis at the academic council of a higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institution (faculty).

A person who has successfully completed the relevant educational program and passed certification is issued a document confirming the receipt of higher medical education at the appropriate level. In addition, an integral part of a bachelor’s or master’s diploma is a European-style diploma supplement. The diploma supplement contains structured information about completed studies.



Qualification level (documents confirming the qualification level)

Study period

Relevant foreign qualification levels

Pre-school education



3-4 years


Secondary education


Elementary secondary education


4 years


Basic secondary education

Certificate of basic secondary education

5 years


Full secondary education

Certificate of complete general secondary education

2-3 роки

Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education

Higher Education

Incomplete higher education

Junior Specialist (Diploma of Junior Specialist)

2-3 years (120-180 ECTS) or 3-4 years (after 9 years of secondary education)

(Literally Junior Specialist)

Basic higher education


Bachelor (Bachelor’s Degree)

3-4 years (180-240 ECTS) or 2-3 years (on the basis of incomplete higher education)

Bachelor of Medical Sciences (e.g. Bachelor of Nursing)

Completed higher education

Specialist (Specialist Diploma)

6 years (360 ECTS) for the specialty “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Medicine/Preventive Medicine”, “Medical Psychology”; 5 years (300 ECTS) for the specialty “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy”)

* (Including pre-diploma practice (subordination) lasting up to one year)

Medical Doctor (MD) or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) or Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm Dr.) or Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BSPh)

Postgraduate education

Internship by profession

Specialist with primary specialization (Certificate of specialist)

1-3 years (60-180 ECTS)

Specialist (for example Specialist in Cardiology)

Clinical residency

Specialist with secondary specialization (Certificate of Completion of Clinical Residency)

2-4 years (120-240 ECTS)

Master of Medical Science

Master studies

Master (Master’s Degree)

1-2 years (60-120 ECTS)

Postgraduate studies

Candidate of Medical Sciences (Academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences)

4 years

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (lit. Candidate of Medical Sciences)

Doctoral studies

Doctor of Science (Academic degree of Doctor of Science)

4 years

Doctor of Medical Science (DMedSc)


Admission of foreign citizens to higher educational institutions of Ukraine is carried out through an interview and analysis of the provided documents on previous education by the university’s admissions committee. The requirements for the success of foreign applicants are formed by each educational institution.

Education for foreigners can be in Ukrainian or a foreign language. Universities have been actively introducing English-language programs recently. Foreign citizens who do not speak Ukrainian can complete a ten-month study at the preparatory department of the university. After successful completion of this course, they get the opportunity to study at the main faculties of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

At the preparatory department, foreigners receive language training and the basics of basic disciplines necessary for further study in the chosen fields/specialties.

Education of foreigners in higher education institutions of Ukraine is carried out on a contract basis. The cost of education can range from $1,000 to $3,000 per year, depending on the chosen specialty. In medical specialties, this cost can range from $2,000 to $6,000 per year. The cost of the preparatory department of the university usually ranges from $1,000 to $2,000.

Foreign citizens to whom Ukraine provides state scholarships within the framework of international treaties, state programs of Ukraine and other international obligations of Ukraine are admitted to study on the basis of referrals issued by the Ministry of Education and Science, in accordance with the provisions of these treaties and programs.

Foreigners who received a full general secondary education in foreign schools with the study of the Ukrainian language, as well as foreign citizens of Ukrainian origin with a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian, can study for free on the basis of quotas for foreign Ukrainians, which are established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Foreigners who permanently reside in Ukraine on legal grounds, have an opportunity to obtain higher education on equal terms with citizens of Ukraine.



The system of continuous professional development (CPD) for doctors is a modern approach to the professional improvement of a medical doctor. Instead of formal training, doctors should continuously develop their competencies.

Each medical doctor is obliged to collect at least 50 CPD points during the year. Points are awarded for various types of training, which the doctor can choose from the list of activities proposed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The total number of points is not limited, but the mandatory annual minimum is 50 points. For medical workers who exceed the established requirements for CPD , there is an opportunity to get a higher category earlier on a first-come, first-served basis.

Every year, the medical worker enters information about his training in the educational portfolio and receives confirmation of this from his superior. Grades for educational activities are fixed in accordance with Appendix 5 to the Procedure for Certification of Medical Workers. A special educational portfolio form is provided in Appendix 2 to the same Procedure.

The list of CPD measures includes:

  • scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposiums;
  • distance online courses;
  • training at simulation trainings, thematic training or seminars;
  • cycles of thematic improvement at faculties and institutions of postgraduate education lasting 1-2 weeks;
  • study or internship at a university or health care institution – in Ukraine or abroad;
  • publication of an article or review in a journal with an impact factor.

Starting from 2021, each medical worker is required to send his educational portfolio to the certification commission by March 1 each year to check the points scored in the continuous professional development (CPD) system. If it is found that data on the course of study has been fabricated, this may lead to the refusal of certification.

Confirmation of the category for medical workers is carried out once every five years, although certification for the purpose of assigning a qualification category can be done more often if necessary.


The Certificate of Good Standing (CGS) is exclusively granted to medical professionals who are previously registered with the Agency for the Registration of Medical Professions in Ukraine and have successfully undergone the document verification process. Applications for the issuance of this certificate are accepted during registration with the Agency and during its renewal.

The Certificate of Good Standing serves as evidence of a medical professional’s impeccable reputation and is of utmost importance for professionals intending to continue their education or practice in foreign countries. This certificate confirms that the holder is not under the disciplinary control of the Agency for the Registration of Medical Professions in Ukraine, does not have disciplinary sanctions that could lead to removal from the medical professional registry, and is not accused of any violations or subject to complaints regarding their professional activities.

To obtain a Certificate of Good Standing, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Register with the Agency for the Registration of Medical Professions in Ukraine.
  2. Submit an application for registration in person, by mail, or through the online service.
  3. Pay the registration fee.
  4. Receive a confirmation of registration and a registration certificate.
  5. Submit an application for the issuance of the Certificate of Good Standing in person, by mail, or through the online service.
  6. Receive the certificate through a convenient delivery method.

The validity period of the Good Standing certificate is limited to one year, but it may expire earlier, typically within 3-6 months, depending on the rules of other registration authorities. In this case, the physician must submit a new application to the Agency for the Registration of Medical Professions in Ukraine to obtain a new Certificate of Good Standing.

For more detailed information and to submit an application, please contact the Agency for the Registration of Medical Professions in Ukraine directly using the following contact information:


Phone: +38 (098) 437 30 08
Email: info@uhpra.org