UHPRA - a subject of development and protection of medical professions in Ukraine

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Step-by-step instructions for acquiring membership in the UHPRA

Read the information about membership in UHPRA

Choose the application form that is convenient for you 

Send the application, specifying all the necessary data and documents 

Wait for the result of the application review (up to 24 hours) 

Pay the membership fee

Get a certificate of registration in
the UHPRA and your own profile in the register 

Membership in the Agency can be acquired by an adult who has the citizenship of Ukraine or the citizenship of another state, shares the purpose and tasks of the Agency. Membership (registration) in the Agency is obtained by submitting an application and a completed form on the Agency’s website, as well as paying the appropriate fees. The fact of acquiring membership (registration) is confirmed by the Agency’s creation of an informational web page (interface) of the user of the autonomous registry of health care workers, which is publicly available on the Internet for details.

The validity period of membership (registration) is for everyone without exception 365 days from the moment of acceptance as a member (registration) of the Agency and can be extended on condition of writing the appropriate application and paying membership (registration) fees.

Membership in the Agency is formed and exists on the basis of voluntary participation. Belonging to the Agency cannot be the basis for limiting the rights and freedoms of a person or for granting him/her any privileges and advantages by state authorities, other state bodies, local self-government bodies, foreign bodies, institutions, and organizations.

Registration in the Department of the Agency implies that a person acquires the rights and duties of a registered member – a representative of the Agency.

Registration at the Agency is confirmed by the creation of an information web page (interface) of the user of the autonomous registry of health care workers, which contains data on: 

■ current professional status;
■ about an impeccable reputation;
■ about acquired experience;
■ about educational qualification and specialty;
■ about pre-diploma training;
■ about postgraduate training and professional development;
■ on the right to medical practice;
■ about the absence of a criminal record;
■ about membership and participation in public organizations, unions, associations.

Information , documents and information entered into the user’s electronic account are not subject to verification by
the responsible administrator of the Agency. A person who intends to acquire membership (registration) in the Agency and submits documents
bears personal responsibility for their reliability and authenticity.

Please note that before submitting the application, you must download and sign the consent to the processing of personal data and attach it to the application.

Choose the application form

Online form

    General Information

    Professional Information

    Additional Information