Ukrainian Health Professional Registration Agency is a private professional self-governing institution, which was established to assist employees in medical, pharmaceutical, dental and other professional fields of health care:
- registration of professional status and recognition of acquired qualifications as a member of the Agency;
- protection of professional rights and interests as members of the Agency;
- carrying out communication and representation with foreign qualification bodies, institutions, organizations;
- checking, confirming and exchanging information about professional and qualification characteristics as members of the Agency;
- development and maintenance of an information web page (interface) based on the autonomous registry of health care employees;
- provision of access, exchange and review of information and documents in the electronic system of the autonomous register of health care employees;
The Agency conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine on “Basics of the Legislation of Ukraine on Health Care”, the Law of Ukraine on “Professional Development of Employees”, the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine, subordinate legal acts, including the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 2136 dated November 25, 2022, Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 346 dated December 7, 1998, Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446 dated February 22, 2019, Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 166 dated July 22, 1993, Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine Resolution No. 725 dated July 14, 2021, Civil and Economic Codes of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts, current international treaties, the binding consent of which was given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and the Statute of the Agency.
The Agency’s activities are based on the following principles:
- autonomy and self-government;
- demarcation of rights, powers and responsibilities of the Participants, state authorities and local self-government bodies, to whose sphere of management belongs the Agency and its separate divisions, the Agency’s management bodies and structural divisions;
- a combination of collegial and single-principle principles;
- independence from political parties, public and religious organizations;
The Agency’s scope of competence includes the following tasks defined by the Agency’s Statute
Promoting the development of the professional status of a doctor
| Promotion of professional development of doctors through registration with the Agency
| Protection of professional rights and interests of doctors |
assistance to employees of medical, pharmaceutical, dental and other professional fields of health care in registering their professional status and recognizing the acquired qualification as a member of the Agency
| registration of the membership (registration) of medical, pharmaceutical, dental and other professional health care workers in the Agency | protection of professional rights and interests of medical, pharmaceutical, dental and other health care workers as members of the Agency |
Communication in the international arena
| Helping to increase the national level of providing medical services
| Facilitating access to public information about the doctor |
implementation of communication and representation with foreign qualification bodies, institutions, organizations | verification, confirmation and exchange of information about the professional and qualification characteristics of employees of the medical, pharmaceutical, dental and other professional sectors of health care who are members of the Agency
| provision of access, exchange and review of information and documents in the electronic system of the Autonomous Register of Health Professional Workers |
Membership in the Agency can be acquired by an adult who has the citizenship of Ukraine or the citizenship of another country, shares the purpose and tasks defined by this Statute. Membership (registration) in the Agency is obtained by submitting an application and filling out the form in the “Create a profile” section, as well as paying the appropriate fees. The fact of acquiring membership (registration) is confirmed by the Agency’s creation of an information web page (interface) of the user of the Autonomous Register of Health Professional Workers, which is publicly available on the Internet for details.
Membership in the Agency is formed and exists on the basis of voluntary participation. Belonging to the Agency cannot be a reason for limiting the rights and freedoms of a person.
The validity period of membership (registration) is for everyone without exception 365 days from the moment of acceptance as a member (registration) of the Agency and can be extended on the condition of writing a corresponding application and paying membership (registration) fees.
A person who intends to acquire membership (registration) in the Agency and submits documents bears personal responsibility for their reliability and authenticity.